10 events found.
Artisans in Brass
For more information regarding the ensemble, visit http://www.artisansinbrass.com.
LOFT meeting
Ladies of Fellowship Together monthly fellowship
Wisconsin State Youth Conference
Hosted by Calvary Baptist Church, Watertown. For more information, visit www.wisconsinstateyc.com.
Dr. Michelle Clater
Dr. Clater is a piano and music faculty member at Maranatha. BA, Clearwater Christian College, Clearwater, Florida MA, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania PhD, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana
Bible Study at Briarwood
Understanding the "I Am" sayings of the Savior
Combined Service at Calvary Baptist, Watertown
to hear the ministry of Ron Hamilton
Bible Study at Briarwood
Understanding the "I Am" sayings of the Savior
Men’s Meeting
read chapters 14-16 of the book, Respectable Sins
Missionary David Wears
on deputation to Portugal