10 events found.
New Year’s Eve Fellowship
Come join us this evening for a fellowship time of food & games. Bring a crockpot dish, a snack and a liter of soda.
Wednesday Evening Service
No Kids4Truth
Men’s meeting
Men, join us for a hot breakfast as Pastor shares some ways God has been growing and refining him through his family's recent trial.
VanKleeck Baby Shower
for baby Grace Louise
CANCEL – LOFT meeting
LOFT stands for Ladies of Fellowship Together, and is a monthly opportunity for fellowship, Bible study, crafts, snacks, etc. among our ladies. Plan now to attend and invite a friend to join you at this first LOFT of 2019! See Shari P. for further details.
Ordination Service for Paul Scharf
Because of this special service, there will be no regular evening service at 6:00 p.m.