Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.: We have a program for all children ages 2 years old through senior high. The curriculum we use gives our children a solid package of Bible teaching, reading and even some homework.
Children’s Church during each Sunday morning service: Children 2 years old through the 4th grade are dismissed during the final congregational hymn to a service designed just for them. Bible teaching, a prayer time, and more singing are planned to help them know and love God.
Kids4Truth: Wednesday nights from 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. K4T is a program that teaches children basic truths of the Bible. In this program, learning the Bible and memorizing key verses is emphasized. The evening is divided into three segments: game time, handbook time, and counsel time. Children will participate in groups based on their age.
FBC United Soccer: Held on Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings every July, our program provides foot-skill clinics and competitive games for boys and girls ages 5 through 14. A short Bible lesson is presented each week. For 2024, FBC United Soccer will begin July 3rd and conclude July 27th.
Vacation Bible School: VBS is for children 4 years old to the 6th grade (no cost). For 2024, VBS will be held August 4-8 (Sun-Thurs) from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. We invite participants and their families to join us for a free light dinner from 5:30-6:00. Families are invited to our closing program at 6:30 on Thursday to see entertaining skits, games and demonstrations followed by a watermelon fellowship. Participants may be registered upon arrival or preregister here.