Calvary Baptist Christian School Choir
The 7th & 8th grade choir and band of CBCS, under the direction of Dr. Dean Kurtz, will minister to us the evening of May 7.
Memorial Day Picnic
This year's picnic will be held on church property.
Mr. Dave Lingle, WFC
Mr. Lingle is a representative for Wisconsin Family Council -
Missionary Ray Teachout
Ray and Jennifer Teachout served as missionaries in Quebec for 15 years. Now the Lord is leading their family to serve in French Guiana in South America.
Memorial Day Picnic
Picnic will be held on the church property. Devotional begins at 11:30 a.m. and lunch served at noon. Bring your own meat to grill, a dish to pass, and your […]
VBS Planning Meeting
Scheduled for right after the evening service. Teachers should come prepared to place their supplies order.
Family Camp
Be sure to register by May 22! Camp is held at Camp Fairwood about 1.5 hours north of Watertown. Dr. Chuck Kempf will be speaking on the importance of holiness.
Fellowship Teens Missions Trip
Our teens are partnering with Eagle River Baptist Church to organize a 3-day VBS outreach to the community of Eagle River, WI. A special offering will be taken on Sunday, […]
Vacation Bible School
For boys and girls K-4 thru 6th grade 6:30 to 8:45 p.m. nightly No cost!
Youth Soccer Program begins
Every Wednesday evening and Saturday morning up through August 12, weather permitting.