Family Camp

Be sure to register by May 22! Camp is held at Camp Fairwood about 1.5 hours north of Watertown. Dr. Chuck Kempf will be speaking on the importance of holiness.

Fellowship Teens Missions Trip

Our teens are partnering with Eagle River Baptist Church to organize a 3-day VBS outreach to the community of Eagle River, WI. A special offering will be taken on Sunday, […]

Vacation Bible School

For boys and girls K-4 thru 6th grade 6:30 to 8:45 p.m. nightly No cost!

Youth Soccer Program begins

Every Wednesday evening and Saturday morning up through August 12, weather permitting.

Bible Institute class begins

For the next several Wednesday evenings, we are changing our midweek service format to a Bible institute setting. The course title is Bible Geography & Customs. We will meet from […]

Rev. Wayne Vawter speaking

Rev. Vawter is the director of the Wisconsin Fellowship of Baptist Churches (WFBC). He will be preaching the morning service message.

Missionary Keith South

Bro. South will report on his work in Utah during the Sunday school hour.

Missionary Paul Phelps

As a retired war vet and counselor, Bro. Paul will lead camping ministries to reach out to veterans and their families who are suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).