Quarterly Meeting

Our quarterly business meeting will commence shortly after the evening service's benediction.

Bowling Activity

Watertown Bowl North 776 N. Church St., Watertown, WI, United States

Come on out for bowling & a time of fellowship!  Cost is $3 a game and shoes are included.

Ladies LOFT meeting

All ladies are invited to our monthly meeting LOFT (Ladies Of Fellowship Together). The evening will include a look at Titus 2, prayer time, practical tips for the home & […]


Mrs. Amy Herbster will be speaking from Titus 2.

Teens Volleython

Time for some volleyball fun and spiritual focus, Teens!  This year's speaker is Evangelist Dave Barba.  You need to meet at Calvary Baptist at 7:45 a.m. on Saturday.  Planning to […]

Missionary Brian Hampton

Pastor Gary, who ministers in his homeland of Haiti, will be accompanying Bro. Hampton and giving us a glimpse into the recent unrest in Haiti and its impact on the […]

Men’s Breakfast

Join us for our final breakfast until fall.  We will continue looking at the book of Song of Solomon.